Mini Flower Bouquet


Includes 4-6 premium flowers, greenery & more. Wrapped in flower paper, sealed with a bow, and sure to make them smile.

Must be ordered one week in advance & picked up in store. We will be in touch once order is placed to finalize details, if necessary. Contact us directly with special requests.

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Includes 4-6 premium flowers, greenery & more. Wrapped in flower paper, sealed with a bow, and sure to make them smile.

Must be ordered one week in advance & picked up in store. We will be in touch once order is placed to finalize details, if necessary. Contact us directly with special requests.

B & B Candle Co. 7.5 oz. Soy Candle
Candle Scent:

Includes 4-6 premium flowers, greenery & more. Wrapped in flower paper, sealed with a bow, and sure to make them smile.

Must be ordered one week in advance & picked up in store. We will be in touch once order is placed to finalize details, if necessary. Contact us directly with special requests.